If you only do ONE thing to improve your website’s SEO, let it be this:
On-page SEO.
On-page SEO is the name for everything you can implement on your website that affects SEO.
Here’s a quick and easy guide to getting your website working smoothly for SEO.
Absolutely anybody can do this, regardless of what platform your website is built on.
And you’re certain to become more discoverable to people who haven’t ever heard of your business before. (Because remember, people who haven’t heard of your business won’t be googling your business name to find you.)
1) Choose one key word or phrase for each page of your website, that accurately describes the content of the page.
2) Add this page to the following 4 areas of your website:
a. H1 tag (it doesn’t have to be the biggest heading on your site, but it does need to be tagged ‘H1’).
b. Metatitle
c. Metadescription
d. Page title
Your key phrase should appear in the exact same format every time – you mustn’t rearrange words. Consistency is key here.
So, for example, if your business is a coffee shop called Kickstart Coffee and you’re based in Somerville, Massachusetts, this is what that might look like for you:
H1 = Somerville Coffee Shop
Metatitle = Somerville Coffee Shop – Kickstart Coffee
Metadescription = Welcome to Kickstart Coffee. We’re a Somerville coffee shop with the freshest beans and most aromatic espresso you’ll find anywhere outside of Costa Rica.
Page title = Somerville Coffee Shop – Kickstart Coffee
The easiest way to measure progress of your website in search is to google your business in an incognito browser and manually count how far down the rankings your business appears.
Do a count on the day you make the changes and again 30 days later.
I promise you, you’ll be amazed at the difference!
And just in case anyone is looking for a coffee shop recommendation in Somerville, MA, I have strong opinions on this that I would love to share with you! Drop me a DM and I’ll happily point you towards some of Somerville’s finest coffee houses.

My name's Claire and I’m an SEO and content strategy expert. I help startups and ambitious businesses improve their content, so that customers can find your website in search, and so that when they do, they convert.
I’m a former startup CEO, and I’ve worked for some of the world’s biggest publishers (Penguin Random House, Oxford University Press), as well as training with Google's in-house SEO team. I even built a website to attract 45k in organic search visitors/month. Drop me a line if you need help of any kind with SEO and content.
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